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Student selection is based on Law 4485/2017 and on current Postgraduate Programme Regulations.

A) Invitation – Requirements and necessary supporting documentation

Following a SIC decision, an invitation is published on the website of the Department(s) yearly, in May- June for all students interested in studying on the IMAP. All applications, along with the necessary documentation, are submitted to the secretariat of the Department of English Language and Literature (School of Philosophy building, room 414) within the announced deadline. For further questions and clarifications, please reach out to the Secretariat.

All prospective students need to submit the following documentation:

1. An application form available online at
2. A full CV (please fill in the special form available online at:                                                                   In cases of disability, also provide relevant certificate from the Primary Health Committee
3. Authenticated copy of original certificate or a study completion attestation by the Secretariat of the relevant Department
4. Authenticated copies of other related higher education qualifications
5. Full record of university course grades
6. Recognized academic studies from Δ.Ο.Α.Τ.Α.Π.) for students with foreign institute certificates (or an attestation that they have submitted all necessary paperwork to Δ.Ο.Α.Τ.Α.Π.))
7. Two recommendation letters in a special form (available online at the website of the Department of English Language and Literature) in separate, sealed envelopes
8. For candidate category b) and c) of article 3, an attestation of knowledge of English (C2 level). For all candidates who are not graduates of the Department of Russian Language and Literature and Slavic Studies or other Greek university departments which study Russian, an attestation of knowledge of Russian is necessary (at least level C1).
9. (for foreign candidates only) additional attestation of knowledge of Greek (B1/B2 level)
10. Authenticated copies of other language certificates (excluding Greek English and Russian), if available
11. Samples of related scientific activity (e.g. publications in volumes or journals, presentations in conferences etc.), if available, as well as proof of related work experience
12. Papers written and graded during undergraduate or related postgraduate studies, if relevant to courses taught in IMAP

Application and documentation legality is examined by the Secretariat and the Steering Committee. Candidates who are deemed as eligible under law and the Postgraduate Studies Regulation will be invited to the written examination.

Β) Criteria for Candidate Selection

Selection criteria are:

1. Written performance, and if succeeded, oral performance in the entrance examination.
2. BA grade "Very Good". Lower grade may be accepted if candidates have taken a "Very Good" grade at courses or BA dissertation which display skills relevant to the Postgraduate Programme, or if they have acquired a second degree, another postgraduate title, a detailed research paper or research experi- ence.
3. Grades of undergraduate courses relevant to postgraduate specialization field are appreciated.
4. Experience with scientific projects relevant to the postgraduate programme (e.g. seminars, partici- pation in research programs, publications, etc.)
5. Excellent knowledge of the Greek, English, Russian language is mandatory. Good knowledge of other languages is appreciated.
6. References
7. Relevant professional experience and knowledge of new technologies are essential.

The Steering Committee suggests a list of selected candidates on the basis of the above criteria, and submits it to the SIC Assembly for approval. Candidates with the same passing grade are accepted to the programme. The final list of successful candidates is published on the official webpage of the Department(s). Accepted candidates register within a 10 days’ time period, from the date of the assembly meeting which approved the suggested list of candidates.

C) Written & Oral exams

The written and oral exams are held in the building of the School of Philosophy on the date that the upload on the Website sets (Announcements: and/or on the IMAP website. The exams are held in all three languages. Information about the structure and duration of the written and the oral exam are provided in this Study Guide (see also Department Website).

IMAP selects the prevalent candidates after examining their typical and substantial qualifications, as well as their performance in written and oral exams. The exams are held at the building of the School of Philosophy on the dates the Registry announces, on the webpage (see postgraduate Announcements).

The exams and interviews aim at assessing the general competence of the candidates in the wider area of linguistic theory, translation/interpreting and its applications, as well as the candidates’ ability to comprehend and produce academic discourse. The candidates are expected to answer written and oral questions as described below:

Α) The written exam, with overall duration of 2 hours, involves comprehending a scientific article and producing scientific discourse.

In this part of the exam, candidates are given a scientific text, from the wider field of theoretical or applied linguistics and translation studies. They are expected to (1) answer comprehension questions and respond to a writing production question, in developing and justifying their opinion about the topic of the text (60 grades) and (2) translate a scientific summary in Greek (10 grades).

Β) students who have successfully passed the written exam are invited to an oral examination, which assesses their potential in developing and conversing on topics from the wider field of theoretical or applied linguistics or translation studies, using an appropriate scientific discourse (30 grades).

Both exams will be held in Greek, English, Russian.

Suggested Bibliography

Γούτσος, Δ. 2001. Ο λόγος της μετάφρασης. Ανθολόγιο σύγχρονων μεταφραστικών θεωριών. Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα.
Γούτσος, Δ. 2012. Γλώσσα. Κείμενο, ποικιλία, σύστημα. Αθήνα: Κριτική.
Γραμμενίδης, Σ., Δημητρούλια, Ξ., Κουρδής, Ε., Λουπάκη, Ε. & Φλώρος, Γ. 2015. Διεπιστημονικές προσεγγίσεις της μετάφρασης. Αθήνα:Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών.
Διαθέσιμο στο:
Δημητρούλια, Ξ. & Κεντρωτής, Γ. 2015. Λογοτεχνική μετάφραση. Θεωρία και πράξη. Αθήνα: Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών. Διαθέσιμο στο:
Σαριδάκης Ε. Ι. 2010. Σώματα κειμένων και μετάφραση. Θεωρία και εφαρμογές. Αθήνα: Παπαζήσης.

Baker, Mona. 1992/2011. In Other Words. London: Routledge.
Blaxter, Loraine, Christina Hughes and Malcolm Tight. 2006/2010. How to Research (3rd ed.) Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Rebecca Tipton and Lοuisa Desilla (eds). 2019. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Pragmatics.
London: Routledge.
Munday, Jeremy. 2001/2008/2016. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and applications. London: Routledge.
Olohan, Maeve. 2004. Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies. London: Routledge.

Гарбовский, Н. К. 2004/ 2007. Теория перевода. Москва: Изд-во МГУ.
Клышко, А.А. 1987. Перевод - средство взаимного сближения народов. Москва: Прогресс.
Комиссаров, В. Н. 1990. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты). Москва: Высшая школа.
Раренко, М. Б. 2010. Основные понятия переводоведения (Отечественный опыт). Москва:
Стернин, И.А. 2006. Контрастивная лингвистика. Проблемы теории и методики исследования. Москва: Восток-Запад.