The mission of the Accessibility Unit is:
the achievement in practice of coequal access to the academic studies of students with different abilities and needs, by providing environmental modifications, computer based Assistive Technologies, and Access Services.
The basic requirements of the students with disabilities include:
More information about the Accessibility Unit of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens can be found at:
Accessibility Unit Brochure [download]
In order to receive support during their studies at the Department of English Language and Literature, Students with Disabilities are requested to contact the Academic Advisors for Accessibility:
Angelos Evangelou
Office: 703
Tel.: 210 727 7776
E-mail: aevang[at]enl.uoa[dot]gr
Angeliki Tzanne
Office: 913
Tel.: 210 727 7913
E-mail: atzanne[at]enl.uoa[dot]gr