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Evdokia Karava is Professor in Αpplied Λinguistics at the Department of English Language and Literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA).  A graduate of the Department where she currently teaches, she completed her postgraduate studies in England in the field of teaching English as a foreign language. She holds a PhD from the University of Warwick, England, where she specialized in curriculum  evaluation and foreign language teacher education. She was Lecturer at the University of Warwick and taught for a number of years on the postgraduate programme of the Centre for English Language Teacher Education (CELTE). From 2003 to 2011 she was a tutor for the Postgraduate Programme in Teaching English as a Foreign Language of the Hellenic Open University.

At the Department of English Language and Literature, she is co-coordinator of the Pedagogical and Teaching Competence Programme and scientific coordinator of the fourth year courses "Teaching Practice I: Pedagogical Applications in English Language Teaching" and "Teaching Practice  II: Teaching in School".  She is the Deputy Director of the Research Centre for Foreign Language Teaching and Assessment (RCeL She is a member of the Central Examination Board for the National Foreign Language Proficiency Exams, known as KPG, and has scientific responsibility for the module on oral language production and for the assessor training programme for the English language. She has been  scientific coordinator of several national teacher training programmes such as the training programme for the pilot implementation of the Integrated Foreign Languages Curriculum, the training programme for the introduction of English in the first and second  grade of primary school, the training programme for B-level trainers for ICT, the training programme for foreign language teachers "PROCHORO", and the training programme for  English and kindergarten school advisors for the introduction of English in pre-school.  Since 2016, she has been systematically involved in the development of curricula for the language education of vulnerable groups in English as a foreign language (FLEARS, Curing the Limbo, EN_TAXI) implemented by the NKUA in collaboration with the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum and Civil Society. She is a member of the Research Centre for Multilingualism and Language Policy of the NKUA and is a representative of the NKUA in the Expert Group on Multilingualism in the framework of the CIVIS University alliance.

Her scientific interests focus on the field of foreign language education, the development and evaluation of educational programmes and the training of foreign language teachers. She participates in international conferences in Greece and abroad, conducts research in the area of English language teaching and learning, and has published in these areas.

Among her recent publications are the books: Plurlingualism and Foreign Language Education (2024, Pedio Publishers), The Political and Pedagogical Discourse on Foreign Language Education (ed. with B. Mitsikopoulou Athens, Pedio, 2020), Developments in Glocal Language Testing: the Case of the Greek National Foreign Language Proficiency Exam (ed. with B. Mitsikopoulou, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018).

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